
About us

Meet our team of experts

How WP Partner works?

WP Partner is a web development agency operating within the MTA Group. We design websites for companies and private clients, shops, e-commerce platforms, and landing pages. We use WordPress, the world’s most popular content management system. 

Our focus is on the flexibility of the process and dialogue with all team members involved in its implementation. We believe that understanding our clients’ needs allows us to work more efficiently and deliver the highest quality products and services. Our projects are built on solid marketing foundations. We work with graphic designers, UX, and SEO specialists – we have access to the entire background and knowledge of the people who co-create the MTA Group.

Our qualified team

We share our knowledge, experience, and passion in creating with our partner’s modern websites and eCommerce.
WP PARTNER team is not only a group of people but a crew of enthusiasts, who are not scared of new challenges. Let’s work together!

Mikołaj Maciejewski

Project Manager
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Filip Szymański

Project Manager

Szymon Konieczny

Web Developer
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Marcin Kusior

Web Developer

Maksymilian Spławski

Web Developer

Rafał Bandrowski

Web Developer

We are part of MTA Group

MTA Group consists of several teams working together in different areas of digital marketing. Among others, we specialize in SEO, analytics, conversion optimization, influencer marketing, graphic design, creating ad campaigns on Google, Facebook, LinkedIn, and other social media. We create a space that brings together e-marketers, traffic specialists, growth hackers, technology specialists, and developers to maximize the quality of our services.

The MTA Group is a teal organization, which is why we have introduced to our work the idea of a performance system. No rigid schemes, no bosses, with the opportunity for each employee to grow and for the whole team to grow at the same time. Thanks to this approach, we encourage innovation and creativity, create space for freedom and mutual trust. We are co-workers and teammates, not rivals.